Fly the Legendary Mig-29!Fly a MiG Over Moscow!
This could be YOU in the cockpit of a legendary Russian fighter jet!

This could be YOU flying a MiG-29!
Photo: Max Dereta
I M A G I N E  Y O U R S E L F... the cockpit of a premier Russian fighter. Through a special arrangement with the people who design, build, and test these aerodynamic legends, Incredible Adventures can make it possible for you to fly a MiG-29, MiG-25, Su-27 and more. You will fly from the top-secret Zhukovsky Air Base, located just an hour from Moscow. Guided by one of Russia's top test pilots, you can take off with afterburners blazing...climb to the edge of space...go breathless into a tailslide...or travel at more than twice the speed of sound.

All you need is the dream.

We take care of the rest.

E-mail or call Incredible Adventures today for a full color brochure, schedules, details and rates:
800 644-7382



MiG-29 The Programs

Fly a MiG The Planes

MiG-29 What's It Like?

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MiG-29 Russian Top Guns

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