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Cracks In The Edifice?

In an interesting article, Fox News says that Saddam is forcing individuals to spirit away and hide WMD components from the weapons inspectors in their homes.

Even one proven case of this will constitute a "material breach."

The article also says that Saddam is getting nervous, and has probably lost control of outlying areas, with the people looking for an opportunity to topple him.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 29, 2002 08:21 AM
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Unfortunately, I can already see how such a case would be spun:

Ba'ath Party spokesman: Doctor Arjuz had WHAT in his house?? Obviously, he is intending to embarrass our leader. He will be dealt w/ accordingly.

NYT editorial: W/ no evidence that this was a concerted move, as opposed to an individual's actions, there is NO basis for responding hastily or w/ excessive force.

Euros: What plutonium? Oh, THAT plutonium? Well, perhaps he didn't realize it was plutonium? Who knows what goes through their minds, at times?

One can only hope that WE treat it as the material breach that it would, indeed, be.

Posted by Dean at November 29, 2002 09:52 AM

Is this site a satire? I mean, the conversations actually look real. But the use of so many cliche links and the use of "idiotarian" and "*professor* reynolds", and Fox news, and well... it's almost too much. It's kind of like someone satirizing gays would come up with a drag queen who can cook, loves musicals, talks with a lisp, wears a lot of rings & rainbows, and works as an interior designer.
I guess there are gays like that... Is this the warblog equivalent of the stereotypical gay guy?

Posted by Chloe at November 29, 2002 10:54 AM

Chloe, this is not a "warblog."

I have no idea what you're talking about with the rest of your question. You're the first person to have asked it, or anything remotely like it.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 29, 2002 11:11 AM

Out of 52 posts on the front page, only about 10 are NOT about, mention or link to topics like the struggle between Islam & Christianity, the American government, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Iraq, the Middle East, or arms and other warblog topics... That's over 75% of your blog devoted to warblog topics...
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and it's not a satire... then it's the real thing.
I mean, the use of terms of others like "fisking" and "idiotarian", links to other more famous warblogs & fox news... Your site is a perfect stereotype! It's almost unbelievable. I really did think when I first came across this site that it was a satire!
Coin a slur like "oil tick" & you'll be playing with the big boys. haha.

Posted by Chloe at November 29, 2002 01:38 PM

It's a site about what interests me, and what I think will interest my readers. If I'm right, I'll get lots of readers, and if I'm wrong, I won't. Why should my weblog conform to your bizarre expectations?

If you don't like it, no one's making you read it.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 29, 2002 02:09 PM

Chloe makes a habit of visiting weblogs and disparaging them. She never has anything interesting to say, and apparently has a lot of, um, "issues." I have encountered her before in the comments areas of other blogs.

Posted by Andrea Harris at November 29, 2002 03:49 PM

I suspect Chloe's trolling for hits on her own blog.

Maybe she'll try a "delink" next...

Posted by Troy at November 30, 2002 11:45 PM

Chloe shows her ugly little head again.

Ignore the little troll and maybe she'll disappear. She makes a habit of this.

Posted by michele at December 3, 2002 02:57 AM

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